TreatER webcast-seminaari: World’s first clinical trial with CDNF: Aiming for a breakthrough in Parkinson’s (englanniksi)


Please register for the TreatER webcast seminar World’s 1st CDNF clinical trial: Aiming for a breakthrough in Parkinsons on Nov 18, 2020 13:00–16:00 GMT here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please find the preliminary program including three key sessions below:

  • General information on Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor (CDNF) – a protein that is found naturally in the body and is thought to have the potential to prevent dopamine neuron degeneration and stimulate neuron regeneration – and its use in this first-in-human clinical trial
  • 12-month clinical data on the monthly infusions of CDNF directly into a targeted area of the brain of people living with Parkinson’s. This session will feature a panel discussion with the study’s clinical investigators
  • Clinical data on the investigational drug delivery system used for the CDNF infusion within the study.
The CDNF clinical study is part of the TreatER project and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732386. For more information please visit the project website