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World Bioethics Day is a good day to learn about bioethics

Did you know that Bioethics is a very broad and challenging branch of science with potentially significant impact on our future?

How to invest smartly in biotech?

The big difference in biotech investments compared to more established businesses is that you need to assess a possible future success rather than consider existing cash flow and profit.

Privacy notice

With this privacy notice Herantis wants to make you aware of the type of personal data Herantis Pharma Plc as a data controller (“Herantis” or “we”) collects of you, where such personal data is collected from, for which purposes such personal data is used, and in which situations Herantis hands out such data to third parties. This privacy notice also contains guidance regarding how you should proceed, if you wish to gain information regarding the type of data Herantis has stored of you and to rectify such data, and what other rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data at Herantis. Herantis processes personal data in accordance with legislation that applies to the protection of personal data, including the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679). Collection and use of your personal data Herantis collects your personal data in order to reply to your requests (e.g., to provide you with a newsletter you have subscribed for). Herantis collects such personal data from you. The legal basis for the processing of personal data is a consent granted by you. Granting such consent is at your discretion. You can access and browse Herantis’ website without disclosing personal data. If you provide a request to Herantis, Herantis may ask you to provide your name and contact details (email, company) and points of interest in Herantis in order to process your request. Herantis uses the personal data provided by you only for such purpose to which such personal data is provided for, as concluded by Herantis (e.g., subscribing for a newsletter). Cookies Cookies and similar technologies, including Google Analytics, that allow Herantis to track your activities on Herantis’ website are used on this website. Google Analytics used on Herantis’ website collects and stores your IP address. Herantis is not able to identify individual users of the website from the data collected using Google Analytics. We use cookies and Google Analytics to adapt the website according to your preferences and to collect information about the use of the website. The duration of the operation of cookies collected on Herantis’ website is two (2) years. Third parties may not have access to these cookies. Notwithstanding the above, data collected from Herantis’ website using Google Analytics may be collected, stored and used by Google LLC. You may grant your consent to or forbid the use of cookies in your own web browser’s settings. You may use Herantis’  website irrespective of whether you grant your consent to or forbid the use of cookies in your own web browser’s settings. Storage and disclosure of your personal data Herantis stores your personal data for such duration that is necessary to carry out the purpose of use of such personal data as provided in section “Collection and use of your personal data”. Herantis does not sell, rent, redistribute or otherwise use your personal data nor does Herantis disclose personal data to third parties, except if such disclosure is necessary pursuant to law or a decision by a court, a government, a supervisory, or any other regulatory body. Herantis does not disclose personal data outside the European Union. Herantis’ infrastructure and computer hardware in which your personal data is stored are protected using appropriate technical and administrative measures. Your rights regarding processing of your personal data You retain all rights provided to you in the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679) regarding the processing of your personal data by Herantis, including in particular your right to: • request access to your personal data and request a copy of personal data stored of you by Herantis (“Access Right”); • rectify personal data stored of you by Herantis; • withdraw at any time your consent regarding personal data processing and storing by Herantis; • have your personal data erased and be forgotten; • under certain conditions, have the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to Herantis, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have the right to transmit those data to another controller; • object processing of personal data (including e.g. a right to object the use of personal data for marketing purposes) and under certain statutory situations restrict the processing of personal data; • not be a subject of a decision based solely on automated processing; • lodge a complaint to a competent supervisory authority (in Finland the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman) regarding the way Herantis processes personal data. If you wish to use your Access Right, we request you to deliver Herantis a written and signed request either personally at Herantis’ head office, as a (scanned) attachment to an email with the email titled “Registry verification”, or by regular mail to the contact details provided in section “Data controller’s contact information”. Herantis shall verify your identity before processing your request. With questions and requests concerning your other rights we request you to contact Herantis with the contact details provided in section “Data controller’s contact information”. Herantis shall provide you with a written answer to your question or request mainly within one (1) month from receipt of your question or request. You should note that Herantis may verify your identity in order to process your question or request. You should note that applicable legislation may restrict your ability to use the rights specified in this section “Your rights regarding processing of your personal data”. Data controller’s contact information: Herantis Pharma Plc Bertel Jungin Aukio 1 FI-02600 Espoo, Finland email: phone: +358 9 222 1195.   Updates This privacy notice is last updated in October 2019. We reserve the right to update and amend this privacy notice. Unless otherwise provided in mandatory applicable legislation, we may not personally notify you of any changes we make to this privacy notice. We kindly as that you review this privacy notice from time to time for possible changes.