Board of Directors
Timo Veromaa MD, PhD, eMBA, has been a board member since 2012 and chairman since April 2020. He is currently professor of practice of drug development at the University of Turku, Finland, and also chairman of Tenboron Ltd in Helsinki, Finland. He is the former executive chairman of Domainex Ltd in Cambridge, UK and was the CEO and President of Biotie Therapies Corp.,of Finland & US from 2005 until its acquisition by Acorda Therapeutics in 2016. He was the chairman of Finnish BioBanks FINBB 2017-2022 and was Chairman of Finnish Bioindustries FIB 2012- 2018. During the beginning of his career, he was Medical Director of Schering Ltd. in Finland, Senior Scientist and Project Director of Collagen Corp. and a Postdoctoral Fellow at Stanford University. Timo Veromaa is a physician by training and has a PhD in immunology and an eMBA from the University of Turku and Special Competence in Pharmaceutical Medicine from the Finnish Medical Association.
Frans Wuite MD, MBA has been a board member since 2014 and vice chairman from April 2020 until January 2022. He has a long international career with a track record of successfully commercializing and growing pharmaceutical and biotech businesses. Frans Wuite was CEO of Acesion Pharma ApS until 2020. Prior to this, he was CEO and President of Oncos Therapeutics Oy, COO of Warren Pharmaceuticals Inc, Co-founder and Board Director of Araim Pharmaceuticals Inc, and member of Amgen’s European management team, where he was in charge of establishing the anaemia franchise. Before Amgen, he was President of Pharmacia-Leiras BV, a joint venture for marketing products with novel dose delivery technologies for women’s healthcare in Europe. Frans is also a board director of Healthcap VII GP SA and a co-founder of Rigi Therapeutics AG, a company developing novel dermatological products.
Aki Prihti has been a board member since 2014. Currently he is CEO of Aplagon Oy and a board member in Rokote Laboratories Finland Oy. Aki Prihti is also one of the founding partners of the venture fund management company Inveni Capital and has previously served among others as Board member & CFO in HVR Cardio Oy. Prior to transitioning to life science venture capital, he worked in the corporate finance arm of Salomon Brothers in London.
Mats Thorén, has been a board member since 2020. Currently CEO of Vixco Capital. He was one of the founding partners of Catella Healthcare, an investment firm in the Healthcare business. Mats Thorén has been a first-ranked equity research analyst in Sweden with SEB and the Head of Swedish Healthcare with SHB Markets Corporate Finance. He currently serves on the Board of Arcoma AB, Xbrane Biopharma, AB FluoGuide A/S, C-Rad AB and Bioporto A/S.
Hilde Furberg has been a board member since 2021. She brings 30+ years of experience in sales, marketing, strategy and management in Pharma / Biotech, most recently as European Head of Rare Disease Europe/ General Manager Diseases EMEA at Genzyme/ Sanofi. Hilde has experience in many different therapeutic areas. She holds a Master of Science from the University of Oslo. She is currently an industrial advisor to Investinor and Board member of Pluvia Biotech, Bio-Me, PCI Biotech and Sedana Medical.